About me

“No matter what you choose, build stuff and be around smart people” - Sam Altman. This phrase is how I live my life. I’m building new projects in different spaces, challenging myself, reading and writing, and meeting cool people with problems.

I want to become more reflective, self-aware, and disciplined to grow and reach my goals.

What i'm doing

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    Computer Vision

    Within medical imaging, I have been building various 2D and 3D brain tumour classification and segmentation models.

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    Forming Perspectives In AGI

    Reading papers and exploring theories to understand the current state of AGI and the path forward.

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    Making content

    To share my knowledge and perspectives within AI and AGI, I am writing on Substack, making videos, and podcasting.

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    Reading & Exploring

    Looking into fusion, reproductive health, population ethics, and other random topics that pique my interest.


  1. Biomedical Imaging Intern at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU)

    July 2022 - Present

    - Working with Dr. April Khademi’s IAMLAB on a 3D brain tumour segmentation project to segment the whole tumour, tumour core, and enhancing tumour from an MRI scan

    - Implementing six different State-Of-The-Art algorithms, ranging from ensemble to cascading models

    - Writing a research publication to present the project's findings, comparing metrics from various architectures

  2. Biomedical Imaging Intern at University Health Network (UHN)

    May 2022 - Present

    - Leading the biomedical imaging team in Dr. Andres Lozano's lab at the largest health research organization in Canada

    - Working on a probabilistic brain tumour project that is trying to understand where tumours tend to arise and why they arise where they do

    - Building a 3D novel grading model with residual blocks to understand tumours of different severities (project page)

    - Working on a research publication to present the project's findings and its novel architecture

  3. Graphic Designer at Barakat Bundle

    February 2021 - Septempber 2021

    - Designed social media posts and stories to promote Barakat Bundle, a non-profit organization working to eliminate maternal mortality in India

    - Understood business models and procurement processes, how to create a brand identity, and how to market a product

    - Led projects leading to a surge of viewers and customers for Barakat Bundle and Giving Cradle (its subsidiary company)

Companies I've Worked With

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What I'm Reading


I will be updating this section weekly with books, podcasts, articles, and videos I read + thoughts/reflections I have from them.